Monday, October 17, 2016

Extract files from dzip archive

Extract files from dzip archive


1] Download Gibbeds RED Tools new version and install it.

2] Open command prompt.

3] Now locate Gibbed.RED.Unpack.exe from the folder path
  • 32-Bit users: C:Program FilesGibbeds RED Tools
  • 64-bit users: C:Program Files (x86)Gibbeds RED Tools 

4] Drag Gibbed.RED.Unpack.exe to the Command prompt window.

5] Now locate your .dzip file which is to extract and drag it to the command prompt window.

6] Now locate your output folder where to extract and drag it to the command prompt window.

Must be Single space b/w each directory path

7] Finally Hit Enter to extract all the files from the .dzip archive.

8] Close the command prompt after the extraction is complete.

Available link for download