Thursday, January 5, 2017

MacBooks Weight Loose How Apples laptops have thinned out over time

MacBooks Weight Loose How Apples laptops have thinned out over time

Apples newest MacBook, announced sometime back, is the companys thinnest notebook ever.  At just 13.1 millimeters (or 0.52 Inch) its the latest step in the evolution of personal computers, which, until recent years, were often clunky beasts.

Naturally, we wondered it : How does that super-slim profile compare in thickness to some of Apples other most popular devices? Not just notebooks, but phones, tablets — and, yes, watches.

Check out the graphic below for a scaled comparison of Apple products dating back to 1991. (Note: Devices are scaled to each other. Display on different screens may vary.)

Available link for download