Sunday, November 27, 2016

FacebookDiscovery Facebook Chat Client from Desktop

FacebookDiscovery Facebook Chat Client from Desktop

Facebook…. The most visited website in the world today probably even beating Google. If you want to find an old friend, the first place you should attempt to look first is Facebook. I noticed that whenever i see anyone using the internet, most of the time they are on Facebook, going through their news feed seeing what’s the latest message posted by their friends, reading comments or viewing photos or albums and chatting with friends.
Nowadays different offices restrict their employee to use Facebook in the Office. For people who want to use Facebook for facebook chat, the only solution I can think of is to use a desktop chat client for Facebook.
FacebookDiscovery is a desktop application that makes it easy and natural for you to talk with your Facebook friends. It is made to look like a normal instant messenger such as Yahoo Messenger or Windows Live Messenger except without all that bloat and it only works on Facebook.
After installation, run FacebookDiscovery and login. After you login, you can click on your status to update what’s on your mind right insideFacebookDiscovery without opening your web browser and logging in to Facebook.
FacebookDiscovery is fast and lightweight with only 700KB in size. It supports emotion icons and most important it is free. Works on Windows XP, 2003, Vista and 7 both 32 and 64 bit with different versions of installer.
To download :
click here

Available link for download